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Dusty Wells

Dusty Wells

Presented by Southern Ministry Agency
Dusty Wells is a man of many talents and multiple skills. From his speaking engagements across the country, to singing on a worship team at his home church in Nashville. From his select solo dates, to his daily writing. From a long-term career in the business side of the music industry, to listening and mentoring aspiring artists. He knows his greatest calling in life is to be an exceptional husband, father, and loyal friend to those he has been entrusted with.

The list could go on and on. Dusty is a man who remains passionate and secure in the calling and destiny upon his life. He has come to realize the importance of finding purpose and clear direction for not only his life, but also the lives of those he comes in contact with, no matter what stage of life they may be in.

Dusty’s sensitive, charming and easy-going personality can instantly win over any crowd or individual. Those who meet him feel comfortable enough to trust him and confide in him without reservation. One can clearly see how passionately Dusty loves God, his family, his life and people in general. He thoroughly enjoys investing, challenging and helping others find their singular place in God’s kingdom and realize their purpose in life.

Dusty grew up in a very dysfunctional home, surrounded by all types of abuse. He had every excuse to be a failure in life. From growing up on welfare, having to steal his daily necessities of life at times, to being surrounded by drugs, alcohol and pornography. From being raised by a mother who was married multiple times, to living in a housing project on the wrong side of town. But in the midst of what seemed to be complete devastation, God had different plans of success for Dusty. At the age of 14, a precious couple took time out of their own lives to invest in Dusty…thus leading Him to the Lord. His life is a testimony of God’s relentless love and deliverance, and is one of the most triumphant stories told in modern Christianity. Dusty is confident in the fact that if God can do it for him, He can do it for anyone, no matter the situation.

Dusty’s book “Stories From A Dusty Road (Picking Up Pennies, Writing Down Life)” is scheduled for release January 2014.

Click Here to download an article on Dusty Wells

Speaking Engagement Topics

  • Finding sexual wholeness after being abused…. the power of forgiveness.
  • Remaining positive and focused in a negative world.
  • The Christian Music industry and the call.
  • Finding purpose and destiny at any age or stage of life.
  • Helping others find security in their own in-securities.
  • Mentoring those around you….
  • Talking openly and honestly with your kids…and then listening to them talk to you….
  • Guarding your heart and protecting the gift…

Dusty Wells on Bridges from Manna Gospel on Vimeo.