Rose Sweet
Presented by Southern Ministry Agency
Inspirational Speaker
Rose is a Catholic author and motivational speaker who brings wit and wisdom to conferences. Rose is about relationships, helping readers to put Christian principles into real-life practice. Her messages are firmly rooted in the spiritual treasures found in Scripture. As a former “Cafeteria Catholic”, Rose finally realized the foolishness (not to mention the relationship pain and problems) that come with picking and choosing only a personally directed faith.
Today Rose writes and speaks about love that embraces the cross, not runs from it. About the freedom of detachment and the joy in restoring relationships, by drawing on simple and timeless Truth. She shares, “The key to happiness in every relationship is holiness: first seeking and loving God and then allowing His love to fill us and flow through us to others. Easy to say; sometimes hard to do because the cross is involved! And holiness is not dry, dull, or boring–far from it. It’s both both quiet and it screams out; it kneels in the pew and it dances on the tabletops. It is both gentle and intensely fierce; it is tame and wonderfully wild at the same time. We need to open ourselves up more so God’s love can infuse us with the grace to know when it’s time for Cana, or time for the Cross.” Rose’s topics are jam-packed with practical ways to bring holiness into every relationship.
Published Author
Her books have inspired thousands in the workplace and at home: singles, married, divorced, single-agains, and remarrieds to find the Love that never fails. Rose is a favorite guest on Catholic radio and television (EWTN, Relevant Radio, Ave Maria radio, Catholic Answers LIVE, and more). She’s been published in magazines that include Woman’s Day and Focus on the Family. Her conversion story appears in Ascension Press’ FREEDOM: Twelve Lives Transformed by the Theology of the Body. Recently released is Personality PLUS at Work, a joint work with friend and author Florence Littauer and two new books for the divorced(on annulments and rebuilding after divorce). Many of her books (below) have been translated into other languages.
- Freedom: Twelve Lives Transformed by Theology of the Body (contributor) – Ascension Press
- Healing the Heartbreak of Divorce – Hendrickson Publishers
- Healing the Divorced Heart – A Devotional – AMG Publishers
- Dear God, Send Me a Soul Mate – AMG Publishers
- Personality PLUS at Work – Baker Books
- Understanding and Petitioning for Your DECREE OF NULLITY – St. Benedict Press/TAN Books
- Rebuilding AFTER DIVORCE – How to Make Your House a Home Again – St. Benedict Press/TAN Books
Pastoral Teacher
Rose has been one of the experts on the international “Divorce Care” DVD series, and inspired by this series, Rose created “The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide”, a 12- show DVD series featuring top relationship and spiritual experts on finding one’s way back to authentic peace, power, and passion. Rose has been been featured on national radio and television shows, including NBC’s daytime talk show, “The Other Half”, James Robison’s “Life Today” and EWTN’s “Women of Grace” and “Living Right with Dr. Ray”. Rose has been a keynote speaker for groups like the National Conference for Catholic Singles, the Catholic Divorce Ministry, and NACFLM (Nat’l Assn.of Catholic Family Life Ministers). Rose understands first-hand the challenges of marriage, divorce, remarriage, parenting, adoption, blended families, singlehood, dating and even how to get long with those pesky people at the office. Rose remains active in parish ministries, has facilitatied pre Cana retreats based on Theology of the Body, and is a member in good standing of the Catholic Society of Evangelists.
Annulment Advocate
There is no such thing as “Catholic divorce” but when Catholics do civilly divorce, Rose can help. As a trained field advocate she works with those seeking annulments, a pastoral process often misunderstood by Catholics and non-Catholics alike. With every divorce comes deep heart wounds; annulment is the process where our Church lovingly and skillfully tends to those wounds and prepares the heart for the Love that has always been ours. The church cannot dissolve a valid marriage bond, but looks to see if the union was ever able—from the beginning—to rise to the level of a sacrament, one that images and gets caught up into the faithful and permanent love that Christ has for His Bride, the Church (us!). The process is one that both honors the sacredness and permanency of a valid marriage bond and recognizes the frailty of the human heart. Rose assists divorced men and women to find healing, growth, maturity, and mercy in the process. Rose’s message builds bridges and crosses denominational barriers.
Wild at Heart (in a good way!)
Rose admits, “If you know ‘The Personalities’, I’m Choleric-Sanguine, which means I like to direct others but I make sure we have fun in whatever we’re doing! I love good humor, music, delicious food, and fascinating stories (even if they are gross exaggerations!). I don’t really go for “chick flicks” and instead prefer mystery, drama and thrillers. I like a clean house but don’t look in the trunk of my car. Camping: NO! Comfortable hotels: YES! Naps? love ’em. Good books? Anything by my favorite apologists (Chesterton, CS Lewis, Hahn, Kreeft, Spitzer, the gang at Catholic Answers, et al) and also John Eldredge. James Patterson and Dean Koontz (for fiction). I’m not a “church lady” but I love the Sacraments. Intense talks about life stir me but I must come up for air after awhile. God has blessed me, too, with a wonderful Spiritual Director who keeps me on track. I love being a woman and being able to bring feminine gifts to those around me. I don’t like the cultural and media ridicule of men, because I know that men of all ages truly are God’s gift to women. See’s dark chocolate with nuts and chews are my temptation. Quiet times in front of the tabernacle are my joy.”
Divorced, Annulled, Remarried
Rose honestly shares her stories of failed relationships and God’s redemption. “You’ll hear my story in some of my presentations. My husband, Bob, is wicked smart, clever, funny, creative, muscial, zany, sweet, strong, and he makes me laugh almost all the time. The best part? He took the high road with me when it came to preparing for an authentic marriage and being committed to trying to live out our love the way Christ beckons us all: passionately and purely. Bob is the iron that sharpens iron, and I find myself striving to be a better woman with him. And of course I trust I help to make him a better man!”
Bob and Rose lives California where Bob’s three sons help to make their lives an ongoing and delightful adventure.
Rose has served in the following capacities in her diocese and in other Catholic parishes across the country:
- Pre-Cana Weekend Leader
- RCIA Teaching Team Member
- Director, Catholic Singles Ministries
- Catechist – Elementary and high schools
- Facilitator of divorce recovery groups
- Lay advocate with the San Bernardino Diocesan Marriage Tribunal
Rose is a member of the National Association of Catholic Evangelists and an affiliate member of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association (CPA). She’s produced a divorce recovery DVD series for Catholics, “The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL Guide”, featuring Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Fr. Donald Calloway, Dr. Ray Guarendi, Christopher West,and Fr. Steve Porter.
Recent Radio Guest Spots
Catholic Answers LIVE – with Patrick Coffin
The Sonrise Morning Show – with Brian Patrick
The Catholic Connection – With Teresa Tomeo
Kresta in the Afternoon – With Al Kresta
The Drew Mariani Show – Relevant Radio
Wake up Baton Rouge – Catholic Radio
The Catholics Next Door – with Greg and Jennifr Willits
The Busted Halo Show – with Fr. Dave Dwyer
Recent TV Guest Spots
“Living Right with Dr. Ray” – EWTN Alabama
“Insight” – The Miracle Channel – Canada
“Women of Grace” with Johnette Benkovic – EWTN Alabama
Episcopal Endorsements
Bishop Salvatore Cordileone – Oakland Diocese, CA
(Rose Sweet’s work for the divorced) is a good example pf the opportunities that Catholics, and all people of different faiths should take advantage of. It is necessary not only for their own flourishing ,but for that of our nation as a whole. I hope this will be a great success. It is certainly needed!”
Bishop Leonard Blair – Diocese of Toledo OH
Bishop Thomas G. Doran – Diocese of Rockford IL
Mr. Alan Napleton – President, Catholic Marketing Network-
Dr. Ray Guarendi – EWTN TV Host, author, speaker, radio host-
Christopher West – Theologian, author, speaker-
Fr. Steve Porter – Spiritual Director, Rialto CA-
Ms. Lorrie Gramer – Pres. (2011-2012) Natl Assn of Cath Fam Life Ministers (NACFLM)
2013 – Rose Sweet Speaking Topics
Finding Love that Lasts
Has love ever disappointed you? No matter your state in life or vocation, Rose’s topics are jam-packed with easy-to-understand principles to help you find—and keep—the love for which your heart was made. The following presentations can stand alone or be combined into a workshop or day/weekend retreat format.
The Four Levels of Happiness
Do you want the highest happiness possible? Unfortunately, what you decide will make you happy can also make you miserable. In this talk you’ll discover the four basic levels of desire, which one defines you, and how you can go higher in all your relationships.
The Four Temperaments
Do you ever wonder why the people you love, parent, or work with can drive you crazy? In this talk you’ll learn the secrets of why you see life in a certain way, why others behave the way they do, and exactly what you can do about it.
The Four Marks of Marriage
Do a ceremony, spoken vows, and a shiny ring really make a marriage? As in all things, we look to Christ to give us the answer. From this talk you’ll understand what must be present to create an authentic marriage bond between a husband and wife, and how you can make sure it is present in your marriage. (This talk is informative for a general audience and can also be tailored for Catholic audiences who want to understand annulment.)
The Four Tests of Love (aka Vampire Love)
Have you ever had your heart broken at a most intimate level? Whether you’re married or not, this talk gives you a four-point gauge to test if an intimate act is one that flows from true love ( a selfless giving) or vampire love ( a selfish taking ).
The Seven Stages of Divine Romance
Do you ever wonder why people try so hard to find the perfect romance—and fail? Magazines and other media try to sell us lies that confuse and bring heartache. But romance—a reflection of God Himself—is no mystery when you discover the stages we must go through to find the Love that never fails.
The Eight Steps to Finding a Soul Mate
Are you, or someone you know, frustrated by today’s ways of finding romance? To help those seeking true love, Rose draws from the romantic Old Testament story of Isaac and Rebecca for modern day match making.
Rose’s Personal Testimony
Same story, but the focus can be tailored to fit with a specific group or event theme
Divorce Recovery
Below are a few of Rose’s books: